Friday, January 25, 2013

List of Goals:

List of things to try and accomplish with this blog:
  1. Watch every move that is currently on AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies (10th Anniversary Edition); including the movies removed from the first edition of the list.
  2. Watch every movie that is currently on BFI's The Top 50 Greatest Films of All Time list.
  3. Watch every movie that is currently in contention this Award Season.
  4. Re-read/read all of my Chuck Palahniuk and Bret Easton Ellis books.
How my brain currently feels:

You know? Trying to re-expand my horizons, eh? I feel the last 18 months my brain has turned into complete mush.

I am confident. Yes, even Nature Boy confident. Look at that head of hair. Absolutely glorious.

Eerie, isn't it? Ashley Schaeffer for Ashley Schaeffer Motors:

Bar Etiquette.

When I hear Zombie Dust is on tap: 

How I imagine myself eating any bar food at about 3 AM:

Oh, your kitchen is open till 2 AM, you say?: 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Monday Morning.

This pretty much sums up how I felt Monday morning. Correction. The entire day. 

Back-to-back hockey games, at two different rinks, in a little over two hours, then the Blackhawks/Coyotes game.

Sigh. I miss Fringe already.

A movie soon, Mr. Abrams? Yes, I'm looking at you, J.J.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

[UGH] Movie tie-ins.

No, this isn't a movie poster for an upcoming movie that is soon to be released (which I am actually looking forward to seeing, but I digress). Nope. This is something that, for whatever reason, irks the living hell out of me:

The dreaded movie tie-in edition of a book/novel.

I want this:


NOT this: 

I WANT this: 

NOT this: 

Being a marketing major this all shouldn't bother me. I understand the reasons for doing this: generating WOM and buzz, selling copies, building brand awareness, and the list goes on and on.

However, for whatever reason, this gets to me. Maybe it's just my "OCD" kicking in, and wanting to keep my different forms of media/entertainment separate.

Remember Hollywood.

I WANT this: 

NOT this:

God, wasn't American Psycho such a good movie? 

It's a shame they tried tarnishing it's brilliance with this:

Mila Kunis though, right? Eh?

Wait, so what was I talking about? Oh, right. Movie tie-ins. Yeah, they bother me.

But, really? How good is American Psycho?!?!


Monday, January 14, 2013

'Tis the (Award) Season...

Award season is here, and I must admit I am WAY behind with every single nominee  Which is why I decided to head into this direction with thee blog.

I am hoping in the next couple weeks I can play catch up before the Academy Awards, and I hope that I will have a better idea what of I will exactly be blogging about in that time.

Dang, I'm bored already. Is anyone else REALLY reading this crap? *awkward*



Well, since the last interview I was on the first question was whether or not I blog I decided to finally make one.

Hmm. What to call it?!?!?

PS: It will be primarily movie based. And possible other musings.

PPS: Yes, I am just as surprised as you that I used the word "musings."

PPPS: Yikes, I am in trouble.


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